Lavender is one of the most popular and versatile oils; so powerful, yet so gentle. It has been used since ancient of times for skin problems of all kinds, including burns. Young Living's Lavender oil is therapeutic-grade, very pure, with no fillers.
Lavender is an adaptogen, and can assist the body when adapting to stress or imbalances. It has balancing properties that can also boost stamina and energy. Therapeutic-grade lavender is highly regarded for skin care. It has been used to soothe and cleanse common cuts, bruises, burns, rashes and skin irritations.
Lavender is listed in Essential Oils Desk Reference (compiled by Essential Science Publishing) as having the following properties: "Antiseptic, antifungal, analgesic, antitumoral, anticonvulsant, vasodilating, relaxant, anti-inflammatory, reduces blood fat/cholesterol, combats excess skin sebum."