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Consciousness is its own container.   
The light that is in you is not contained by the body.
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​         About Sacred Times

     Although Sacred Times Oils was only recently founded (2013), I have been studying natural healing therapies with an open mind since 1968.  To balance my studies, I spent a couple of decades deeply entrenched in 'orthodox' medical training, both anatomical and psychiatric, which convinced me of the value of natural healing.  After more research and studies, I earned an N.D. (Naturopathic Doctor) and became a practitioner, specializing in energy medicine.  There is a large databank of meticulous research which shows energy to be the source of illnesses.. and the source of healing.

      Underlying my interest in physical and mental health is a 13-year segment of intensive training in the science of Raja Yoga, the yoga of Thought.  With intuition and access to the soul, I find holistic therapies to be effective not only on physical/mental planes, but also on levels of being which  humanity is just beginning to understand.

     My own research and experimentation with energy healing using essential oils led me to the manufacturer of the purest therapeutic-grade oils available, Young Living Essential Oils based in the United States.  I found Young Living's oils to be far more effective than low-grade essential oils which are made from inferior raw products and cut with fillers.  

     Sacred Times is committed to providing personal service, information about the oils and other cutting-edge health products which will be appearing on this website, as well as offering understandable insight into the field of energetics and how this understanding can be used to raise your consciousness; not only  affecting your health, but  also your self, others, and the Earth in these sacred times.

     Thank you for taking the time to look through the Sacred Times site.  Please feel free to contact me for information about the oils or with thoughts/questions about energy healing.

                                                      ~ Sara Lea Sundquist, N.D.
​                                                                serrabellum@yahoo.com

"...the microreality, that which underlies our 'solid' reality, is made up of a vast empty space filled with oscillating fields!"
~ I. Bentov  
It is important in the complexity of modern life
 to set aside moments of intimacy with your soul.
  Modern life is ephemeral;
whereas, the soul is eternal.